June 2018
This week, the 52 Lives School of Kindness visited the lovely children at Upton Westlea Primary School in Chester to run a Kindness Workshop. The children showed so much enthusiasm as they learnt all about the importance of kindness, and the physical and emotional benefits of being kind to each other.
As part of the workshop, we told the children about a young boy called Michael, who lives in a care home in Romania. Michael's parents put him into care because of his disability. He suffers from a condition called Tubular sclerosis, a rare genetic condition that causes tumours to develop in different parts of the body. Michael spent most of his laying day in bed. He couldn't engage in basic activities, and it was severely affecting his mental well-being. He had become sad and withdrawn.
The children worked together to make beautiful cards, messages and gifts, to help make Michael's bedroom one filled with colour, fun and love! 52 Lives supporters had been raising funds to buy Michael a standing frame - and some of the children even donated some of their pocket money to help towards the cost of the frame.
We are very pleased to say that Michael's standing frame and all of the beautiful cards and gifts from the children have now been delivered! It has made such a big difference to his life. His doctor said he his face has been lighting up, and he has been laughing for the first time in a very long time.
Thank you so much to the wonderful children at Upton Westlea Primary for their kindness and for helping to make this possible.
A big thank you also to the school for choosing to fundraise for us this year! We are so grateful for their support.