This week, we would like to help a 14 year old boy called Keegan and his family. Keegan has a form of muscular dystrophy which is sadly terminal. He was diagnosed at age 3.
He has degenerated to the point where he now only has use of his hands and neck, and needs to be on a ventilator at night. Keegan spends a lot of his life in pain.
Keegan's mum, Rachel, got in touch with us a few months ago to see if we could send Keegan some birthday cards - which we did as part of our School Kindness Project. But we would like to do a little bit for this family.
Keegan is cared for by Rachel 24 hours a day. His dad works full-time in a warehouse and Keegan doesn’t like going to a hospice or having carers in, so his care is largely left to Rachel - she even sleeps in the same room as him every night so they can both get some rest.
“It's hard as my other 2 children sleep upstairs on their youngest only being 8. Keegan spends 3 hours in a morning at school then the rest of the time it's just me & him.”
When I asked Rachel if there’s anything special we could do for her family, or any gifts Keegan might enjoy, she mentioned a few things for the children and nothing for herself. When I prompted a little more for something she would like, she had such simple requests…
“I’ve never really thought about anything for myself…I would love some new cups & plates.”
Well, would love to do something kind for Keegan and his family. So, with your help this is what we need…