52 Lives

#191 Teens in a refuge

Request: Gifts / Messages

This week, we’d like to help change the life of teenagers living in a women’s refuge in Berkshire.

Teenagers staying in this refuge had to flee their homes with their mums, because of domestic violence. They often left with no notice and have very few belongings. In the past we have helped some refuges create lovely playrooms for young children. This week, we’d like to do the same for older children.

The refuge worker told us that sometimes women with teenagers remain in the refuge for longer periods, for example if their child is taking exams. She said this is an age when they can be most at risk – especially teenage boys, as they don’t like what is happening to their mum and have sometimes intervened, getting caught in the cross fire.

With your help, we would love to buy some items that the refuges can provide for their teeenage residents to make life a little bit better for them.

The refuge worker said: “A few comforts such as this list of items can make all the difference. It also gives the message they are not alone people out there do care and they are worth it.”

What We Need

1. Gifts from the Amazon wishlist: We've set up an Amazon wishlist with arts & craft materials, books, and other things the refuge would like to provide for them. To buy an item from the wishlist, please click the link below. (If you are unsure how to buy from an Amazon wishlist, we have produced this handy guide!)

2. Messages of support: These teenagers have been through far too much in their young lives. We would love to send some messages to let them know they aren't alone, and that there are so many kind people in the world who care about them. To send a message, please either write your message in the form below (your contact details won't be passed along - only your message), or post it to 52 Lives (Life # 191), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT. Thank you!



What We Did

The gifts were bought from the wishlist quicker than we could add them! We ended up with more than £700 in arts & crafts materials, lego and books. We also sent them £120 in gift cards, thanks to Michelle and Julie.

Thank you so much to everyone who bought a gift or who sent a kind message for them...the refuge worker sent us a few photos of the gifts as they started to arrive, which I've shared below. They were overwhelmed by the response. Your kindness will make such a difference to the lives of everyone living in the refuge. x