52 Lives

#200 Jill

Request: Household goods / Donations / Messages

This week, we’d like to help a single mum from Barnet in need of help. Jill has 4 children, 2 of whom have Autism­. They have had to move 5 times in the past 3 years. She was beaten by her ex-partner, and her and the children have been moving between temporary accommodation ever since. 

The temporary places they stayed were always cold, run down and damp, which has caused Jill's eldest son (who has a learning disability as well as autism) to develop respiratory problems...the photos shown here are of some of the places they've been living. Her latest move was last month – into what will be their permanent flat.

Moving so often meant that it wasn’t possible or practical to have anything other than their clothes and some basic essentials. They used to have furniture, but with no permanent home, and nowhere to store it, they’ve had to leave it behind along the way. So although they are finally in a decent flat, they have very little.

Living in temporary accommodation with 4 children would be difficult at the best of times - but when you add in the extra challenge of disrupting the daily routine of 2 children with autism, it is a traumatic ordeal – and far too much for Jill to have to deal with all on her own. One of Jill’s children struggles to even leave the house, so moving so many times and being in new environment with strange people has been incredibly distressing for them all.

On top of all of this, Jill also suffers from endometriosis, which has caused incontinence and a great deal of discomfort for her.

With your help, we would like to help Jill and her children to get the things they need for the new home.

What We Need

1. Gifts from Amazon: We have set up an Amazon wishlist with some of the things for Jill and her children (a mix of household items, and things to make her children's bedroom a little bit more fun). To buy a gift, please click the 'Buy a gift' link below. (And don't forget, when you buy through Amazon, please use Amazon Smile - that way a % of what you buy is donated to 52 Lives you can sign up to Amazon smile here

2. Donations: We will use your donations to buy some of the bigger items Jill and her children need. Any funds raised above what is needed for furnishings will be used to help them in other ways. 100% of what you give will be used to help this family. To make a donation, please click the DONATE link below.

3. Kind Messages: To send a kind message or card to Jill or her children, you can either write it in the form below and we will pass it along to her (your contact details will not be passed along), or you can post it to 52 Lives (Life # 200), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT. The messages people receive from our supporters make such a big difference. 

Buy a gift from Amazon


What We Did

"I’ve slept on the floor for so long, I can’t even imagine what it will be like to have a bed. Thank you all so much."

That was the email I received from Jill when she found out we had ordered her a new bed.

With your help, we raised over £1300 to buy them the beds and household goods they needed. You also sent them so many gifts and gift cards from their Amazon wishlist. A special thank you to Helen Dyson for doing so much to help. And also to a 52 Lives supporter called Suzanne Mackey who donated a beautiful leather sofa (pictured), desk, chairs, a television...and so much more. Suzanne went above and beyond to help, and we’re so grateful.

Thank you so much to every single one of you who made a donation, bought a gift or sent a kind message. Your support has made so much difference to their lives. 

A Note from Jill..

“We want to thank everyone who has helped us - their hearts will always be with us. All this love that came to us so unexpectedly has really changed my mind about many things in my life. I have started thinking differently and somehow a big dark cloud has lifted off me and I know the children are feeling it too. Forgiveness and compassion has entered into me through you all. Whoever you are and wherever you are, we love you all. The lights, the salt lamps, the sensory clocks , stickers, duvet covers, towels, sheets and the magical toaster, the beds, the chairs, and the sofa...and the all the Amazon gift vouchers. The thoughts, the concerns and the compassion is just so wonderfully overwhelming for us. I could never have imagined this feeling and only through 52 Lives would this great connection have happened. You’re just so cool Jaime and so amazing. Thank U Thank U Thank U for your insight and feeling that day when you saw the lady who needed the rug for her children to not hurt their feet, all this became possible because of YOU. Tears are in my eyes as I write.

A long time ago I used to write songs, which I loved doing, but that sadly. flew away, during the difficulties that came along the way. Which I just have had no control. Today, with forgiveness and happiness in my mind I am feeling stronger and wiser and I hope I will l start again, hopefully one day you will all hear them….

Love Jill Xx”