This week, 52 Lives is helping a 10 year old boy called Kybie Hutton and his mum Kerry, from Kurwongbah in Queensland, Australia.
I heard about Kybie a few months ago when someone posted his story on our page, and started following his Facebook group. But it was only after reading a recent post that I realised just how much his family has been going through.
Last November, Kybie was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour called a pineal germinoma. It has travelled down his spine and is also causing damage to the disc behind his eyes. Kybie has been having chemotherapy and radiation treatments at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane to try to shrink the tumour. The hope is that it becomes small enough to be operable, but he is not at that stage yet.
Kybie is being cared for solely by his mum, Kerry, who I recently found out is not well either. Kerry sadly also has cancer and has just had surgery to try to remove it. She had to stop working when she became ill and is now on a carer’s benefit. This remarkable woman is raising Kybie on her own and supporting him through this horrible disease, all while battling cancer herself.