52 Lives

#259 A 13 year old boy

Request: Donations / Kind messages

This week, we’d like to help a 13 year old boy who is living in poor conditions.

It is suspected that he was abused at a young age, and he has been seriously struggling with his mental health. He is currently being assessed by child mental health services. 

His room is in a very bad state – the walls are all damaged and peeling, the carpet is worn through and the room is completely bare, other than a mattress on the floor. 

He spends a lot of time in his room and has periods of anger, which is how his walls became damaged last year. His social worker said living in this state is making his mental health even worse, and he has promised he would look after his room if given another chance.

This young boy has been through a lot and we would love to show him some kindness. With your help, we’d like to give him a new bedroom, filled with furniture, toys and books.

What We Need

1. Donations: We will use your donations to completely repair and redecorate his bedroom. We will also replace his carpet, buy a new bed, bedding, a desk, toys and books. We want to help make this a space where he feels calm and safe (we haven't set up an Amazon wishlist this week, as we need to get the room repaired, painted and carpeted before any goods arrive).

2. Kind Messages: This young boy is going through a very tough time, and we'd love to send him some kind messages. To send a message, please write it in the form below and we will pass it along (your details will not be shared). Or you can post it to: 52 Lives (Life # 259), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT. 


What We Did

Thanks to all of you, we've been able to to give this boy a brand new bedroom - we plastered, painted, repaired electrics and repaired the floor and replaced the carpet. With your donations, we've also bought him a new bed, storage furniture, a computer, toys, books and games. Thank you so much for making this possible. No one should have to sleep in a room like that and, thanks to all of you, he doesn't have to anymore.



