This week we’d like to help a woman called Faye, who has a four week old baby boy and is struggling with depression and anxiety
Faye also has a 2 year old and an 8 year old. The children’s father is no longer in the picture, and she has had to give up studying to care for the children on her own. She is living in a one bedroom council flat, and shares a bed with her children. She has no family support.
Faye was nominated by her social worker, who said she has been in a fragile state and is in need of help. She had post natal depression after her first child, and her social worker wants to do everything she can to surround Faye with support in these early months.
Faye and the children are very crammed in and she doesn’t have all of the things she needs for her baby. With your help, we’d love to provide her with what she needs and also send some moral support, so she knows she is not alone.