This week, we’re trying to help a woman called Darcy and her newborn, premmie babies.
Darcy’s babies were born at just 27 weeks. The babies’ father left the country and Darcy has no one.
During her pregnancy, Darcy was experiencing severe symptoms of depression and anxiety and had suicidal thoughts. Her parents, who live abroad, were ashamed that she wasn’t married and encouraged her to terminate the pregnancy. Her social worker said: “Darcy was five months pregnant. She was hardly getting out of bed, only leaving her room to go to work three days a week and only eating one meal a day.”
Darcy was living in shared accommodation, but her landlord gave her an eviction notice once he learned she was pregnant.
Darcy had her babies earlier this year, 3 months early. The babies were sent to a different hospital, as they needed a high level of care, but that hospital didn’t have a bed for Darcy so she couldn’t go with them. Darcy was traumatised from the birth and didn’t have any visitors while she was in hospital.
The twins have complications and are both still in intensive care. It’s likely they will need specialist care for life.
Darcy is on a student visa, and doesn’t have any access to benefits. She was working in a supermarket but hasn’t been able to work since her babies were born. She lives on a small amount of maternity pay from her employer. She has no contact with the babies’ father and is incredibly isolated.
Her social workers are trying to help her gain Indefinite Leave to Remain, which will mean she can get more support, but at the moment, she is struggling.
She spends her days travelling back and forward from the hospital to be with her babies. She is about to be evicted and she doesn’t have any of the things she needs for the babies. She was given a second-hand pushchair from a charity but the wheels have already broken.
Her social worker said it is likely that Darcy and the twins will be placed in an unfurnished flat, so she will need furniture. We'd also like to help with transport costs to and from the hospital.