52 Lives

#437 Laura

Request: Donations / Gifts / Kind messages

This week, we’d like to help a 20 year old woman from Wales called Laura.

Laura was removed from her parents when she was 6 years old due to neglect and sexual abuse by both parents. Her siblings were also removed and her dad was sent to prison.

Laura was placed in foster care with her sister, but they were later separated. Laura’s foster mum was going to go through the process of adopting her, but her new partner objected and the process ended. Laura was moved into another foster home. By now, she was a teenager with a lot of trust issues. She found relationships incredibly difficult and just wanted to be loved, so ended up in some controlling relationships that she struggled to end.

Laura stayed with her new foster family for 3 years, until she was 17, before moving into supported accommodation run by a charity. Over the next few years, Laura was self-harming and talking a lot about suicide. Laura’s support worker said: “It became obvious she needed help with her mental health and so a referral was made to mental health services and to a sexual assault support service - but she is still awaiting counselling.”

But Laura has been given lots of support and advice from the homelessness charity that has been helping her. Her support worker said: "It has been fantastic to see her blossoming and growing in confidence, learning how to budget and keep her home.”

Laura is just about to move out of supported accommodation and into a flat. As a care leaver, she has received help with some furniture, but there is so much more she needs to make it a home. It has no flooring, so she would have to go into debt before she even begins. We’d like to help.

*Stock image used. Names have been changed to protect her privacy.

What We Need

1. Donations: We'll use 100% of your donation to provide the things Laura needs. You can donate online or by text message using the details below (please note the text message number is different this week).

2. Gifts from a wishlist: We've set up a wishlist some gifts for her, as well as gift cards. To buy something from the list, please click the link below and choose the gift you'd like to buy - just tick 'this is a gift' and choose the 'gift registry address' when you check out and it will be sent directly to Laura. Buy a gift

3. Kind messages: To send a kind message for Laura you can post it to: 52 Lives (437), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT.

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What We Did

Thanks to all of you, her bare new flat is now a home! You donated almost £2000 in donations and gifts, and sent her so many kind messages. We were able to put in proper flooring, buy furniture and lots of other things to make it comfortable for her. Thank you all so much – it’s given her so much hope for the future and helped her see the world as a good place again.