52 Lives

#469 The Baby Bank

Request: Donations / Gifts from a wishlist / Kind messages

This week, we’d like to help clear the waiting list of The Baby Bank in Maidenhead.

They've had a 40% rise in the number of people needing support and have completely run out of certain things.

There are 11 families waiting for a double buggies and they are also running low on cot mattresses, safety equipment and clothes for children aged 2-6.

The families who use the baby bank are usually referred to them by social workers, midwives, teachers and health visitors. They're people living in poverty, families affected by homelessness who are living in temporary accommodation, children in emergency foster placements, refugees, families affected by fire or flooding, or escaping domestic violence.

We’d love to replenish their stocks and clear their waiting list to help make sure children are getting the things they need.

What We Need

1. Donations. We will use 100% of your donations to replenish The Baby Bank's stocks. You can donate online or by text using the details below.

2. Gifts from a wishlist: We've set up a wishlist with the items The Baby Bank is short of. To buy something from the list, please click the link below and choose the gift you'd like to buy - just tick 'this is a gift' and choose the 'gift registry address' when you check out and it will be sent directly to them

3. Kind messages: To send a kind message for The Baby Bank to pass onto families they support, you can post it to: 52 Lives (469), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT or you can email a message by writing it in the form below.

4. Second-hand items: If you have any secondhand item you'd like to donate, they can be posted to The Baby Bank directly or dropped off on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9.30 and 12pm. Their postal address is: The Baby Bank, Unit 2A Tectonic Place, Holyport Road, Maidenhead, SL6 2YE, UK.


Buy a Gift

What We Did

Our supporters donated almost £1000 and bought dozens of clothes, bedding, and cot mattresses from the wishlist we set up. With some corporate donations we received, we have also just bought 10 double buggies which will be given to families on The Baby Bank's waiting list. Thank you so much to everyone who helped. You made an immediate difference to dozens of families.