52 Lives

#476 Frankie

Request: Donations / Gifts / Kind Messages

This week, we’d like to help three children who have been moved between foster carers for the past year.

Frankie is 13 years old and is autistic. He has a little brother and sister aged 6 and 8. The three of them were removed from their mum’s care after an incident with her ex-partner. There were concerns over the mum’s ability to keep them safe, so they were placed with their aunt temporarily. But she didn’t feel able to look after them, so they went into foster care.

They have been moved several times and it’s been really hard on them. Frankie in particular finds it difficult to share how he’s feeling and usually only opens up to his mum, so being away from her for so long has been awful for him.

But after a year of assessments and court hearings, the children have just been placed back in their mum’s care. It wasn’t safe to return to their old home, so they are living in a new area. Their mum left under police protection and wasn’t able to take much with her. She wasn’t allowed to go back for a long time and, by the time she did, there was a mice infestation that had ruined a lot of their things.

She said: "This has been the hardest year of my life...I lost my home and my children all in one hit. I fought long and hard to make sure they came home to their mum where they belong and we're looking forward to a much happier and safer future together."

They were nominated by the children's social worker, who said they are in need of help. We’d like to replace their damaged things, finish furnishing their bedrooms and fill them with clothes, toys and anything else they need to give them all a fresh start in their new home. Frankie likes computer games, his sister loves singing and making bracelets and his brother loves football.

*Names have been changed.

What We Need

1. Donations: We will use your donations to provide the things they need. You can donate online or by text using the details below.

2. Gifts from a wishlist: We've set up a wishlist with some things they need. To buy something from the list, just add it to your basket and choose the 'gift registry address' when you check out. It will be sent directly to the family.

3. Kind Messages: To send a kind message to the family, just write a message in the form below (your contact details won't be passed on), or you can post a message to: 52 Lives, Life # 476, PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT.


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(if you are sending a message of support for the person we’re helping, there is no need to fill in your email address or telephone number)

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