52 Lives
12 Days of Christmas Kindness!
December 05, 2021 | Latest News
During the last few weeks of 2021, we will be spreading some extra kindness and helping more people, with funds donated by Gala Bingo. We want to help make this time a little bit brighter for people going through difficult times....beginning with Sean and Scott.
Day 1 – Sean and Scott
Today, we’re spreading some Christmas kindness to a single dad called Sean and his son, Scott. Sean’s wife left several years ago and he has no family support whatsoever. Sean also sadly has a very rare disease that affects his kidneys. He has had a lot of hospital stays, meaning Scott has to stay with members of the local church, who have been trying to support the pair as much as they can. Sean’s condition is life threatening, which makes it very difficult for them to go out and about easily.
There is a medical device to help Sean’s kidney that doctors have recommended for him. It’s portable and would reduce the need for hospital stays and make it safer for Sean to live a normal life - but it’s almost £2000 and isn’t available on the NHS.
Scott and Sean have been through so much, and we’d like to give them an extra special Christmas present this year. With funds donated by Gala Bingo, we’re buying the device for him. We hope it helps make their 2022 a little bit brighter.